Dania Beach Clean Energy Center
The Armorpact® system was able to provide confinement of compacted aggregate in the low shear strength saturated organic soils where a traditional grouted rigid inclusion systems would prove challenging
The Dania Beach Clean Energy Center project consisted of a complete natural gas energy generator upgrade to a previous power generating facility that originally opened in the 1920s. Prior to the upgrade the existing plant was demolished, leaving a system of deep foundations abandoned several feet below grade. Canal bound at the north and south ends of the property, the site was subject to rising tidewaters from the Atlanta Ocean located just five miles west.
Soil conditions consist of 7-9 ft of fill over 5 ft of peat underlain by loose to medium dense silty sand. Groundwater was encountered 3-7 ft below grade that fluctuated with daily tide water conditions from an adjacent tributary.
As the remnants of deep piles may predicate, the remaining surficial soils were loose and soft with an upper layer of peat present. Deep foundations and rigid inclusions were utilized for majority of the new heavier mat foundations. Using cast in place concrete elements however, posed a unique challenge for structures with variable or deep embedments. The Geopier Armorpact® system was selected to support the deeply embedded structures, pits, and manholes since the pier resulted in a stiff confined element that would control settlements in the organic soils. However, unlike a pile or rigid inclusion, the Armorpact pier is constructed with an aggregate stem above the confining sleeve which in this case allowed for an easier excavation by the foundation contractor days after the piers were installed.