National Capital Relocation Administrative Facility Andrews Air Force Base
The Geopier Impact® system saved time and money and the installation used 90 percent less fuel than the undercut and replace method
- Owner: US Air Force
- General Contractor: CDM/CAPE Joint Venture
- Geotechnical Engineer: Schnabel Engineering
- Structural Engineer: AECOM
Base Realignment and Closure/National Capital Region Relocation Administration Facility (BRAC/NCRRAF) located on Andrews Air Force Base was a fast-track, design/build project.
Soil conditions consisted of up to 3 feet of loose silty and clayey sand fill underlain by up to 10 feet of loose to medium dense clayey sand, underlain by medium dense sand and silty sand, underlain by medium stiff sandy fat clay near Elevation 245 feet. Groundwater was encountered near Elevation 260 feet.
Approximately 1,300 Geopier Impact® elements for settlement control of this five-story, 380,000 square foot building. The Impact system saved the CDM/CAPE Joint Venture time and money versus the alternative, traditional undercut and replace methods. An added benefit of using the Impact system was the installation used 90 percent less fuel than the undercut/replace operation, which was consistent with the LEED® Silver requirement for the project.