Grouted Impact® System
- Ideal for deep, soft clay and organic soil profiles
- Rapid installation (schedule savings)
- 20-50% savings versus deep foundations and over-excavation
- No spoils and haul-off costs
The Geopier Grouted Impact® system takes our traditional Impact pier and adds grout to the open-graded aggregate during installation. Grout is introduced to the system within the mandrel and mixed in place to create a high-strength grout-aggregate mix. The pier is then constructed like a traditional displacement Impact pier. The end result is a very stiff, cemented pier element that provides confinement in weak soils and excellent settlement control for the foundations of heavily-loaded structures.
- Organic soils or very soft clays and silts
- Marginal soils for heavily loaded structures
The Geopier Grouted Impact® pier installation process is essentially the same as the traditional Impact pier with the exception that grout is added to the mandrel during installation. The pier is installed by advancing a displacement mandrel through unsuitable soils to a desired design depth. Once at depth, the mandrel is withdrawn several feet to allow open-graded aggregate to flow into the annular space. The mandrel is then redriven to create a densified 2-foot-thick lift of aggregate. These steps are repeated up to the ground surface to create a dense column of aggregate and grout surrounded by stiffened matrix soils.
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