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Frequently Asked Questions

Can Geopier® elements be installed below the water table? 
Yes! There are multiple ways to construct Geopier elements below the groundwater elevation. Temporary casing may be added with the drilled solutions.  Alternatively, one of the displacement Geopier systems may be used to allow for aggregate delivery at the bottom of patented system mandrels to ensure that rock is placed at the appropriate elevations.
Can Geopier® elements be installed adjacent to existing water features?
Yes, Geopier can be installed adjacent to existing water features provided there is adequate soil adjacent to the pier and there are no global stability concerns.
Can Geopier® elements be used to support projects where there are organic soils?
Yes! If the organic content is low (such as buried topsoil), then a Rammed Aggregate Pier® system may be installed through this layer to tag the underlying native soils.  If the organic content is high, then a rigid inclusion technology will likely be required provide confinement and limit settlements.  We have several rigid inclusion systems including cement treated aggregate piers, Armorpact® piers, grouted Impact® piers, and GeoConcrete® Columns
Can Geopier® elements be installed in expansive soils?
The Geopier system is not intended to specifically mitigate shrink/swell potential, but the use of Geopier elements with high bearing pressure foundations will reduce the effect of expansive soil. The geotechnical engineer’s recommendation for expansive soils should still be followed including proper drainage and grading.

Can Geopier® be used in Karst topography?
Yes, Geopier can be used to support structures in karst topography; however, cement-treated aggregate may be required to prevent pier raveling and/or the introduction of water.
Are there projects that are too small, where Geopier® is not cost effective?
No, Geopier has supported hundreds of small projects worldwide.
Are there projects too large for Geopier® support – heavy column and wall loads?
With very few exceptions, Geopier can be used to support just about any size load.  It depends on the soil profile, the size of the loads, and the settlement requirements for the project.
Are there soil conditions that are not conducive to using Geopier®
Very deep soft clay and organic soil profiles can be problematic, depending on the structural loads and the settlement criteria.
Can Geopier® be installed in low overhead clearance situations?
Yes, Geopier can be installed in areas with low overhead clearance.  It depends on the system being installed and the amount of clearance available.
Are there union installers?  Non-union installers?
Geopier® has both union and non-union installers.
Who should I contact if I have a possible Geopier® project?  Who is my Region Engineer?
The contact information for your local Region Engineer can be found here.  We are also able to assist you via the chat function.
Are there multiple Geopier® contractors?
Yes, Geopier has over 40 licensed installers located all over the world.
Does Geopier® have specific quality control procedures?
Yes, Geopier has specific quality control procedures/manuals for all our various systems.  These can be made available upon request.
Who does Geopier® designs and submitals? 
All Geopier’s designs and submittals are prepared, reviewed, and signed/sealed by engineers within the Geopier network.
My site has significant grade raise fill. Should I place the fill before or after pier installation? 
Piers can be installed before or after the placement of grade raise fill.  Both sequencings have their merits with respect to cost, schedule, etc.  We will work with you to figure out what is best for your project.


Recommend the best ground improvement solution with confidence!

Geopier+ is a free geotechnical engineering tool that provides:

  • Geopier bearing pressure recommendations
  • Geotechnical report language
  • Geopier specifications
  • An assortment of geotechnical engineering calculators
  • Free to use soil profiling software

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